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Do you know a young kiwi who's going through hell – or one who's helping others out of a hellish situation?

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As a young-at-heart and fun-loving Kiwi-owned business, HELL loves to see young New Zealanders doing well! So when we hear about kids having a tough time, we’ll try to make a difference wherever we can.


That’s why Satan’s Little Helper was sent on a quest to cut a break for good young souls struck down by the big guy in the sky.

So, if you know someone in need, click on the learn more or nominate button to get the ball rolling!


Satan's Biggest Little Helper

We also know there are many others out there fighting the good fight, and so we’ve launched Satan’s Biggest Little Helper to recognise under-23-year-olds going above and beyond to help create a better future for others.


If you know of any under-18s worthy of un-divine intervention, or would like to recognise the hard toil of an under 23-year-old who’s gone the extra mile, nominate them now and SLH will see what he can do to help and support them.

Un-Divine Intervention

Satan’s Little Helper can’t perform miracles, but has been known to get people out of a tight spot. Check out how Lucifer’s little mate helped these unfortunates in their time of need.

Active in Hell

IHC'S Project Active trains it's youth members to become self-sufficient, so when they ask us for a few pizzas for a party, we figured a simple treat wouldn't quite do the trick. Check out what happened!

Feeding Brains


They say the devil finds work for idle hands, but we’ve flipped the script by making that work educational. Our plan kicked off with a Reading Challenge to get more books in kids’ mitts.

Satan's Support

Hell’s supported charities and foundations for a long time. When a worthy cause grabs our attention, we’ll throw our weight behind it.


All right, title and interest in all Intellectual Property in all concepts, systems, written, graphic and other material relating to the Satan’s Little Helper website, is owned by, and shall at all times remain the exclusive property of HELL.

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