When Tabby Besley, the national coordinator for LGBTQIA+* support network InsideOUT, told Satan’s Little Helper she was struggling to find a way to thank the group’s wonderful volunteers, HELL came to the party with some free pizza for their end-of-year bash.
InsideOUT is a national charity based in Wellington, which supports young people of diverse genders and sexualities to help make their schools and communities safer. The group is run by a team of passionate volunteers without government funding, and it has achieved a lot in 2015. “We had more than 40 schools around the country involved in a ‘Day of Silence’ campaign to end homo/bi/trans phobia in schools,” says Tabby. “We also held a youth hui for more than 100 young LGBTQIA+ people* around the country to come together to connect, take part in workshops, and learn tools to help make change in their own communities. “We are now working on a resource to make schools safer for young transgender people, we are supporting young people in schools all over New Zealand to set up and sustain queer-straight alliance groups, and we are doing so much more!” The group has big plans for 2016, so if you’ve got the time to give them a hand, or are keen to donate, check out insideout.org.nz. “A huge thanks to HELL for their support! Everyone was very grateful and full by the end of the night,” says Tabby *Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transexual, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual + all other sexualities, sexes and genders not included in previous letters.