Rachel Treloar told Satan’s Little Helper she needed a bit of extra to provide the Christmas her boys Billy (8) and Noah (7) Duncan deserve. We were only too happy to help.

Christmas can be stressful at the best of times, but for Rachel, who was worried about providing an experience her two deserve while on a low income, it was almost overwhelming. Luckily, she heard about Satan’s Little Helper through a friend and decided to nominate Billy and Noah. “Both of the boys have got disabilities (chromosome syndrome and autism) and we were really struggling to get presents and provide a proper Christmas because of our low income,” says Rachel. Satan’s Little Helper couldn’t idly stand by, so we hooked the family up with a New World voucher and enough presents to make sure they had a special day! “We bought heaps of food, so we could have a proper Christmas feast, as well as enough treats to keep ourselves and Billy happy for the whole holiday – plus we got some great presents as well,” says Rachel. Satan’s Little Helper kitted the twins out with a comforter set each, an inflatable pool so they could enjoy the summer to its fullest, and some other bits and bobs. “It was so good to see their little faces when they got their presents,” says Rachel. “I was so happy to see their reaction. Billy loves his spiderman blanket and drink bottle, Noah loves his bed cover, and they’re both so excited to go for a swim!” Billy and Noah’s autism affects them in different ways, and life can be hard at times. “They struggle every day, because they tend to get so worn out, and that makes them a little grumpy. Billy is more verbal than Noah,” says Rachel, “but they can both have bad behavioural issues, as well as sensory issues.” Despite that, Rachel says they’re both making good progress at school. “Noah used to be so sensitive to the smell of food that it would make him gag, but now he’s a lot more tolerant, while Billy is loving the change of environment. He can now put sentences together and communicate a lot more!”
It sounds like the boys are progressing nicely and overcoming the challenges that having autism can bring. They’ve ended 2021 on a high note – hopefully they can take that energy into 2022!