Fuelled by plenty of HELL pizza, members of Active Youth Wellington recently celebrated their achievements from the past year with a slumber party at the group’s headquarters. Active Youth is a group set up by IHC offshoot IDEA to empower young people aged 17-25 who have an intellectual disability, to be active citizens and valued members of their communities.
The group focuses on having fun while supporting its members with transitioning to adult life and assisting them in finding meaningful work and training opportunities. One of the projects that Active Youth are currently involved is Active in HELL, which offers candidates nominated by IDEA services an opportunity to be paid to train in a busy HELL kitchen. At the time of writing the project has placed candidates in stores in Auckland, New Plymouth, Upper Hutt, Kapiti, Wellington and Christchurch with more in the pipeline. After she caught up on a bit of sleep, Active team leader Julie Sarros said, “we have been planning to do an overnighter for ages. This was a great opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the 30 youth and 5 support workers involved with the group.” Clad in their magnificent onesies and pyjamas, partiers enjoyed pizza provided by HELL washed down with plenty of lollies, chips, fruit, vege and dips. They watched movies, played games and listened to music until the wee hours before enjoying a bacon breakfast they all prepared together. After the party the group sent a lovely thank-you note: “The sleepover was awesome. A big part of its awesomeness was your kindness. Thanks a billion! Yours is the best pizza in the world” - Active Youth Who are we to argue?