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Samuel Bell was diagnosed with a rare form of lymphatic cancer when he was just 17 years old; the ensuing treatments meant he was too sick to celebrate his 18th birthday. When HELL heard Samuel’s story, the team tasked Satan’s Little Helper with the job of organising a belated celebration.

Knowing Samuel to be a gaming and motorsport fanatic, SLH organised for him and a group of his friends to go head-to-head on VR Racing’s virtual racing simulators. Samuel’s mum Fiona says it was no surprise that Samuel dominated the competition.

“He loved every minute! All of the boys had a fantastic time, and HELL put on lunch for everyone. We’re really thankful,” says Fiona. “I even had a spin and beat my daughter!” Samuel’s form of cancer is incurable, but can be treated. He has had to undergo numerous chemotherapy sessions and battle the treatment’s side effects. Fiona says she’s incredibly proud of how Samuel has handled himself throughout his ordeal. “He’s got this attitude of ‘I got this’, which has amazed me. He’s been in remission for the last few months, but at some point he’ll get sick again.” That hasn’t stopped him from making the most of life, and he’s nearing the end of a year-long food and service course he hopes will help land him a job in the hospitality industry. “He’s had a horrendous time over the past ten months, but he’s making the most of every day and he’s inspiring us all with his courage,” Fiona says. Image: Samuel and his friends enjoyed an afternoon of racing and pizza courtesy of HELL.


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