Braxdyn Perry is a creative and active kid, who loves to zip around on ice skates and rollerblades. He has recently been diagnosed with Audio Processing Disorder, so Satan’s Little Helper got his own skates on to help out…

Nine-year-old Braxdyn is active and has a lot of different hobbies. He loves the challenge of a video game and his favourites are Minecraft and Plants Vs. Zombies. He’s also tried his hand at karate and swimming, but is most comfortable on wheels or on ice! “His strengths are definitely the ice skating and rollerblading!” says his mum, Maria. At school, Braxdyn is most interested in maths and art, and his design was one of four picked by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern as one of the parliamentary Christmas cards, out of thousands of submissions from kids around the country! That highlight aside, things have been a bit tough for Braxdyn at school. “He has struggled with school since he started. He doesn’t like feeling different to his classmates,” says Maria. Originally it was thought he had behavioural difficulties, but when Braxdyn switched schools, his new teachers realised he might need some support in the classroom. “We changed schools and the staff there picked up straight away that he might have APD – Audio Processing Disorder,” says Maria. That was the first she had heard of the condition and it was confirmed through testing with an audiologist. The audiologist suggested Maria look into the Phonak Soundfield System, but it was outside the Ministry of Education’s funding guidelines. So Maria approached Satan’s Little Helper and he put the wheels into motion. Since it’s been installed, Braxdyn feels it’s making a difference. “I can hear the teacher’s voice a lot better and I like it,” he says. The feedback Maria has had is all good so far. “His teacher said it’s been amazing in the classroom and so easy to use, he’s been able to hear the teacher and other kids clearly. ” For Maria, the benefits go beyond the classroom. Since the system has been installed, his attendance has been near-perfect. “This term in his new class has been his best time at school since he started at age five. He is happy and confident and his self-esteem is great!” Way to go, Braxdyn!