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Workers across Auckland’s CBD were left scratching their heads when unordered pizzas arrived at their offices. This wasn’t the result of a practical joke taken too far; Hell delivered the 40 unrequested pizzas as part of a campaign to promote Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week.

This is the second year that Hell has teamed up with MS Auckland; and the charity’s fundraising and marketing manager Pam Smith said the unordered pizzas did exactly what was intended – confuse people. “MS is a disorder that affects the central nervous system; often brain messages get misinterpreted and confused,” said Pam Smith. “Inside the lid of each pizza box was a large sticker explaining the concept of mixed messages and how our promotional stunt was raising awareness of the condition.” The disease affects an estimated 4,000 Aucklanders (including carers and families) and some people with MS will develop cognitive problems, which can affect memory, problem-solving and the ability to understand and use language. From 31 August to 6 September, Hell’s Auckland franchises donated $1 for every double-size and 50 cents for every snack pizza sold – raising more than $13,000 for MS Auckland. Hell also provided street collectors with stickers bearing the slogan ‘Living with MS can be HELL’; the collection campaign raised a further $62,000 dollars. “We really value our partnership with Hell. They help us reach a large audience and raise awareness about our mission, which is to empower people with Multiple Sclerosis to lead independent, active and fulfilling lives,” said Pam.



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